If you are thinking that you will be selling your home in the near future then now is the time to start to identify, and address, some of the outstanding items that need attention prior to marketing your home for sale. Rectifying any outstanding maintenance items before you get on the market will help to maximise your sale price.
Some buyers are looking for a house they can work on and they will expect to purchase at a price that allows them to do that work and not be over capitalised. Other buyers want a home that they can move into straight away without the need for any repairs.
You will find many tips online, but here are some maintenance and repair items that we often see needing attention:
- Ensure external walls are in good order and freshly painted
- Paint the front door, windows, and any trim. If necessary you may opt to install new doors or windows.
- Ensure the garden is well presented, landscaped, and mulched. Messy, overgrown gardens scream ‘lots of work required’ to buyers
- Have clean and well-maintained floors
- Upgrade your kitchen fittings and workspaces
- Bathrooms, showers, basins, and toilets should be spotless
- Light fixtures and fittings should be modernised where possible
- Wash and where necessary repaint internal walls
- Ensure the roof is watertight and in good repair
- Clean the property thoroughly, then do it again, two more times! A clean home shows pride and that a home has been loved.
- Remove clutter
- Put bins away and out of sight